Friday, 21 September 2012



General and specific objectives-Students should be able to:

1) appreciate the various achievements of the indigenous American societies in science, technology, art culture, politics, economy, and ecology before the arrival of Africans and Europeans;

2) understand the nature of interactions among indigenous peoples, Africans and Europeans;

3) analyse the social, political and economic activities of indigenous American cultures using the available evidence, including archaeological findings;

4) evaluate the arguments found in secondary sources on contacts between indigenous peoples of the Caribbean and other peoples before 1492 in the light of archaeological evidence;

5)     analyse the nature of West African contact with Europe up to 1492;

6)     assess the consequences of Spanish settlement in the Caribbean up to 1600;

7)     explain the factors responsible for the conquests of the Aztecs and Incas by Spain in the 16th century.


Theme 1: Social, Economic and Political Activities
Comparative analysis of TWO indigenous groups, ONE from each of the following categories:

Category 1     -   Aztec, Inca, Maya                     
Category 2  -      Kalinago, Taino, Tupi

Note: Comparative analysis should of social, economic, and political factors.

Aztec Human Sacrifices

Due next class
a) Why were the Aztecs largely remembered for this "barbarous" act?
b) Why do you think "barbarous" is surrounded by inverted commas?
c) Watch the movie Apocalypto and briefly explain what is your most memorable scene.
d) Does the movie capture the essence of the Aztecs' personality or lifestyle? Why?

For those who can't access the movie you can do a PowerPoint or any sort of presentation on the Aztecs' economy (how they thrived agriculturally and industrially).


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. A real good scene....just ensure that you request this particular scene while we are watching clips from the movie. Also kudos to you for being the first to highlight the Aztecs "ritual sacrifices were based on the earnest religious belief...." After all, who are we to judge? Can you see another "tribe" poking fun of Christianity we value so much globally?

  2. (a) I believe the Aztecs were remembered mainly for these "barbarous" acts of human sacrifice because their religious beliefs played an integral part in their everyday lives. The Aztecs had many gods and it was believed that without these offerings of human blood the sun would cease to rise and the universe would literally die. They felt that it was their duty to prevent this from happening. Another reason I believed the Aztecs were remembered for their acts of human sacrifice was because of the many different types of sacrifices that they offered up for their gods, whether free or bound, man or woman even children would be offered up as sacrifices to satisfy their various gods. No one was exempt.

    (b) I think "barbarous" is surrounded by inverted commas because while to us their customs may appear to be primitive and exceedingly brutal, for someone familiar with the Aztecs religious beliefs it can be argued that it was something that had to be done, a necessary evil, if you will. The Aztecs truly believed that if they did not do this to appease the gods, the universe would die. They took this duty very seriously. To be given to the gods as a sacrifice was considered a great honour in Aztec society and they did it with pride.

    (c) The most memorable scene from the movie, for me, was when Jaguar Paw from the pool of black quicksand camouflaged in the mud. This is my most memorable scene, for me, because up until this point Jaguar Paw was the hunted, now he was the hunter. It intrigued me because the little girl (with the sickness) had prophesied about the very same thing as a sign of the warriors impending deaths. She spoke of the one “reborn” from mud and earth that would end their world. I also remember this scene because of the bravery and determination that was displayed by the warriors. Even after seeing all the sign and realizing the bad omens, they never wavered, they had a mission and they were determined to fulfil it.

    (d) Yes, I believe that the movie Apocalypto captures the essence of Aztecs’ personality and lifestyle. Although, it does not give their history: who they are, where they came from, etc, we get to see the Aztec empire at its pinnacle, right before its fall at the hands of the Spanish. We get to see the fierce and ruthless Aztecs in battle, giving us a great picture of how they were able to conquer neighbouring tribes and bring the Valley of Mexico under their control. Also, we got to see them performing their sacred duty of human sacrifice and how the crowds cheered as the priest ripped the still beating heart out of a captive’s chest, holding it towards the sky as a sign of respect to the gods. We also got to see the beautiful architecture and we got a glimpse at how they built these awesome structures. Not only that we got to see how the Aztec nobles distinguished themselves from commoners with their extravagant dressing, while adorned in jewellery. Lastly, we got to see the Aztec market place and the various things being sold, whether it was animals, slaves, fruits, etc, we also get to see what they used as currency (cacao beans).

    1. I love your writing style! I also believe the movie brought the history texts to life and I will try to show that clip during class. It was indeed intriguing--from the scene down to the very extravagant costumes.

  3. a)When we think of the Aztecs, the first thing that comes to most minds is the gruesome and horrific sacrificial rituals. These brutal acts earned it a reputation of the Aztecs being a “barbarous” people. The Aztecs had put a great deal of emphasis on sacrifices and had many religious festivals concerned with the rituals. They built many temples and slaughtered thousands of persons just to honor their Gods. They mostly sacrificed slaves or captives but it was very common for free citizens to offer themselves up. It was widely viewed as a privilege and an honor to the Aztec people. Another reason why many people think of it as “barbarous” is because the Aztecs are one of the view civilizations that engaged in sacrificial rituals.

    b)In modern culture we would not tolerate sacrificial ceremonies but he Aztecs embraced it. It was built into their fabric of society of religion and they viewed it as necessary for the world to continue. They thought that the Gods required human blood to satisfy the Gods’ thirsts for blood in order for the Gods to bless them and continue the existence of the universe. Therefore, it is easy to see why the Aztecs thought of these actions to be noble and necessary.

    c)The most memorable scene was the scene where the captive tribesmen are about to be sacrificed. At the start a random tribesman is picked and forcibly taken to a stone slab. There, a priest with an obsidian knife stands and address the crowd of religious spectators. He then raises the knife about the victim and thrusts it below the area where the heart is. Then we with his bare hands, he rips the victim’s still-pumping heart, out of their chest and passes it to a shaman. After this another man decapitates the body and the body and the head are thrown down the stairs of the temple. The crowd cheers violently at the sight of this and demand more. Another person is picked out. As the next victim goes to the slab he accepts his fate and is prepared to die. However, a peculiar phenomenon takes place. An eclipse occurs and the crowd becomes hysterical and filled with fear. Once the eclipse finishes they star to cheer again and the head priests announces that the Gods are happy. Fortunately, the captives are spared of this gruesome death but their ordeal does not finish.

    d)The movie does a very good job of portraying the Aztecs. In the first moments of the movie we see the warlike nature of the Aztecs who conquered smaller tribes and captured their people. We can also see, to some extent the Aztec society. There were the slaves who constructed the buildings and lived on the outskirts of the city. Then there were middle class and merchants who mainly operated in the market areas. We also see the rich people who are carried by servant slaves. The Aztec’s grandeur was also show by the magnificent temples that were recreated. Also we could see the dresses and jewelry that the different societies had. We also got a glimpse of how the rituals took place and a good scope of the significance of the sacrificial events. All in all the producers of the movie did a great job and I have not see another movie who has recreated the Aztecs like they have.

    1. Yes Arthur I was on the edge of my seat when I saw that scene--memorable indeed but a little too nail biting. You too seem to be very good at describing the horrific scenes and I really appreciate your style of writing-elaborately simple. Keep up the good job and maintain the consistency.

  4. The Aztecs

    A) The Aztecs were largely remembered for the “barbarous” act of human sacrifice, due to the fact that it was the centre of their culture and beliefs, and the massive casualties it inflicted on the populace. The Aztecs performed mass sacrifices, on elected days to bring about specific results. Their reasons were centred on the belief that their Gods thrived off human blood and that it brought healthy crops, rain, general well-being and urged the sun to rise each and every day, they believed without sacrifice, the universe would die.

    B) I believe the word “barbarous” is surrounded by inverted commas due to the fact that now in modern times, such acts as human sacrifice are deeply frowned upon and are seen as inhumane, but in the time period of the Aztecs it was a necessary evil to, in the eyes of the Aztecs, keep their empire and the world thriving.

    C) My most memorable scene from apocalypto is when the protagonist , Jaguar Paw, uses the familiarity he holds for the forest he grew up hunting in to his advantage, and takes down all but two of his Aztec pursuers, finishing his last victim with the hunting trap shown in the beginning of the movie.

    D) The movie captured the essence of the Aztecs perfectly in my eyes, their vicious and dominating ways, as seen in the scene where Jaguar Paw’s village is raided, their warrior oriented nature, and their potent bloodlust, in the form of mass human sacrifice.

  5. Yes indeed a necessary evil Jaron that was synonymous with survival. I will try to highlight that scene. In case I forget please request and you will be responsible for interpreting that clip. Get ready!

  6. a) The Aztecs were largely remembered for this barbarous act because their religion was mainly based on human sacrifices to please their Gods and keep the universe alive. As a result, for decades, thousands of innocent villagers were taken from their homes, dragged to Tenochtitlan and sacrificed. Such a large scale and cruel massacre was clearly noted by the European invaders of that time and will remain unforgettable in Aztec history today.

    b) “Barbarous” is surrounded by inverted commas because the Aztecs did not commit these human sacrifices with bad intentions. On the contraire, the Aztecs believed that by offering their Gods a beating human heart, they would be sustaining the universe and preventing its end.

    c) My most memorable scene was at the start of the movie when they were hunting the boar. They’re clever technique involved agitating the boar, controlling its direction of escape and ultimately capturing it with a masterful and deadly trap. Every second of the scene was intelligent and thrilling.

    d) Yes, I believe the movie did capture the essence of the Aztec’s lifestyle. Firstly, the Aztec’s raid on Jaguar paw’s village showed the efficiency and skill of their military. Then, the entry of the captives into the city depicted the Aztec’s various industries, including logging, masonry, dyes, textiles and agriculture. In addition, by noting the peasants on the city outskirts, the commoners in the market and the well dressed, beautifully painted nobles within it, a sense of the Aztec social structure was grasped. Notwithstanding was the magnificent architecture of the Aztecs displayed with tall, stone structures and temples, with masterfully painted wall designs. Lastly, the procedure of a human sacrifice, a strong aspect of Aztec religion, was fully shown in a scene of the movie, highlighting the gruesome and intense nature of the act.

  7. Good observation! The Aztecs were very industrious and their society was the epitome of social stratification. Remember you must be ready to explain why you were so captivated by the scene in the movie. Looking forward to your eloquent explanation.

  8. a)I believe that the Aztecs are largely remembered for this barbarous act because of two reasons: the fact that so many persons died because of this act and it was so bloody, and because of the different culture that met them there.
    1. Many persons were killed everyday for this sacrifice. The Aztecs firmly belived that with out human sacrifices to different gods, the sun wouldn't rise, the world would end and all life on earth would be destroyed. But what made this act barbarous was not just because the offered humans for sscrifice, but they ripped out the heart of the person to be sacrificed in front of the entire village. Many persons consider this to be the most barbarous thing they have ever heard.
    2. The different culture that met the Aztecs, the Europeans. The Europeans considered themselves to be Christians and in Christianity, from the ten commandments, it says thou shalt not kill. The Europeans did not see this act as religious, they saw it as backward and barbaric. So when they wrote their records on what they saw, its no wonder that they wrote how they felt about such acts and what they thought of the people that perfomed such acts. Therefore the Aztecs are still remembered today because of this 'barbarous' act.

    b)I think "barbarous" is surrounded by inverted commas because that is how we the Western world view barbarous to be. The people who do these things do not see it that way. The believe that they are helping to save the world and save human kind. We believe that they are destroying human life.

    c) I think the most memorable scene is the part when Cortes holds Montezuma captive. It is memorable because that was how Cortes was able to control the Aztecs. Montezuma was the Supreme person who gave the law, and by controlling Montezuma, Cortes controlled the entire empire.

    d)I do not believe that the movie Apocolypto captures the essence of the Aztecs personality or lifestyle. In my opinion, it is more focused on how the Europeans felt when the came to the empire. I believe this is so, because through out the movie, the main persons featured are the Europeans, not the Aztecs. You might see the Aztecs once in a while, but its the Europeans that clip is being focused on. Therefore, if the Aztecs are not the main characters, how can the clip capture the essence of the personality or lifestyple?


    c)The most memorbale part for me in the movie is when Jaguar Paw is able to escape from his captors and is able to reach and rescue his pregnant wife. In my opinion, it shows just how much love and endurance can help you in your life.

    d) Yes I do believe the movie Apocalypto captures the essence of the Aztecs personality or lifestyle. From watching the film, I can see that they show exactly how militaristic the Aztecs were, and it shows to what end the Aztecs will go inorder to please their bloodthirsty gods.
