Thursday, 18 October 2012

I.A Draft Deadline

  • The deadline for your Internal Assessment draft is January 31, 2013.
  • This will be the first mark for semester 2.

  • Please ensure that you bring your copies from The Tainos: Rise and Decline of the People Who Greeted Columbus (pages 5-19) on Monday for the Test.

  • Homework: Prepare for upcoming test on Monday.
  • What to study? Everything.

  • Arize and Cody please highlight the differences (Economic activities) between the Aztecs and Tainos. Point format please.

  • Arnelle and Arthur you will do the same for the Political activities.

  • And Merrique and Jaron the same comparison needed for the Social activities.

Monday, 8 October 2012

Arize Lee's I.A.

Peasantry: Socio-Economic Contributions of "Ex-slaves"
 After Emancipation

1) Get texts:

  • Caribbean Freedom (Editors: Beckles and Shepherd)
  • British Slave Emancipation (William A. Green)
  • The Problem of Freedom (Thomas Holt)
  • Free Jamaica (Douglas Hall)
  • The Making of the West Indies (F.R. Augier et al)
  • A Short History of the West Indies (J.H. Parry et al) 
  • Rawle Farley's article etc


  • Create PowerPoint.
2) Define peasantry. Did it exist before emanciaption?
3) Distinguish between push and pull factors that led to peasantry development.
4) Describe how peasantry uplifted the social and economic infrastructure of the W.I.
5) Explain how peasantry alleviated the woes associated with monocultuture.
5) Discuss the problem of land in low and high density colonies.
6) Compose introduction.

Kerisia Samuel's I.A.

Morant Bay Rebellion: Fuel and Aftermath


Firstly, begin research:
  • The Killing Time: The Morant Bay Rebellion in Jamaica (Gad Heuman) main text
  • British Slave Emancipation (William A. Green)
  • The Problem of Freedom (Thomas Holt)
  • Columbus to Castro (Eric Williams)
  • Free Jamaica (Douglas Hall)
  • The Making of the West Indies (F.R. Augier et al)
  • A Short History of the West Indies (J.H. Parry et al)  etc
Secondly, get or create a solid "defintion" of the Morant Bay Rebellion for the introduction
Thirdly begin recording  problems plaguing Jamaican society before the uprising.
Socially, Politically, Legally, Economically, Psychologically etc
Fourthly, identify  consequences of the rebellion.
Fifthly compose thesis statement for the fuel and aftermath of the Morant Bay Rebellion.
Remember  as you research,  complete the plot summary diagram below.

  • What happens in the beginning (exposition)
  • What leads to the climax (rising action)
  • What happens during the climax
  • What happens immediately after the climax(falling action)
  • How the story ends (resolution)

Fall From Grace: The Tainos' Demise

A Prized Assignment

The video above highlights two divas: one "gone far too soon" and the other probably at the height of her game.

1) Define the idiom "fall from grace".

2) Is it relevant to the topic we are now doing?

2) Based on your prior knowledge of these two women,
    explain  the analogy between the two divas and the Tainos' demise and Spanish rise.

Kayla and guests feel free to comment.

*For those of you who are having problems viewing the video:
  -download realPlayer at and then
 - download video on the blog
  so you won't have to access the Internet to view the video.

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Internal Assessment Guidelines

Picture (optional) Antigua State College, Name, Candidate Number,
Course, Topic, Date, Tutor’s Name (Miss Jrucilla Samuel)


   Antigua State College
   Name: John Doe
   Candidate Number: 010201…
  Course: CAPE History Unit 1 Internal Assessment
   Topic: Major Factors that Contributed to the Abolition of Slavery
   Date of Submission: 25th February 2011
   Lecturer: Miss Jrucilla Samuel

PAGE 4: RATIONALE  (Reason for choosing topic and its importance)
In order to meet the requirements for the CXC Cape examinations, this research must be conducted. However, despite this obligation, the Morant Bay Rebellion (1865) was a landmark in our Caribbean history that has sometimes been overlooked. As a Jamaican, this topic touches the very core of my native land and it is also for this reason that it has received my ultimate attention. This research will examine the multiple causes of the 1865 revolution. I hypothesize that the economic problems of the 19thcentury aggravated existing deplorable conditions which fueled the Morant Bay Rebellion.

PAGE 5: CONTEXT (Setting or era eg. Age of Exploration, Pre-Columbus era)
In order to fully understand the factors that contributed to the abolition of slavery’ one must first examine the era in which the tides started to turn against this institution. Therefore, the influence of the Enlightenment period cannot be ignored. It was this era of ‘prolific intellectual movement’ that paved the way for full emancipation. During the 18th century many philosophers and scholars began to question the very institution that made Great Britain rich. Although some of the scholastic writings sometimes leaned on the idealistic side, their words had an uneasing effect not only in the Europe but also in its colonies. However, its effect was not a swift as the French Revolution. But nevertheless the enlightenment impact was visible. Historian David Brion Davis captured the essence of the beginning of change. He noted, ‘what was unprecedented by the 1760s and 1770s was the emergence of a widespread conviction that New World slavery symbolized all the forces that threatened the true destiny of man.’ [1]

          [1] Franklin Knight, General History of the Caribbean Volume III:  The Slave Societies of the Caribbean. (London: UNESCO Publishing, 1997) 325.
PAGE 6: INTRODUCTION  (A paragraph that should include a thesis statement. Avoid repetition!)
OTHER PAGES: BODY OF RESEARCH  (A number of paragraphs to support thesis, topic sentences etc)
CONCLUSION: Sum up points and reinforce that your hypothesis has been validated.


N= End Notes (eferences in the research; footnotes preferably)
     -First, last name like Kerisia Samuel, then comma
     -Title of Book underlined
     -(Place of Publication: (colon), Publishers, (comma), Year Published in brackets)
     -Page where the quote was taken from. (full stop).
     -Last name, then first name.
     -Title of Book underlined
     -Place of Publication: (colon),
     -Publishers, (comma), 
     -Year book was published (full stop).
*Each of the above section must be on a separate page.

*Quotations mandatory.
  Use both Primary and Secondary sources.
  Primary--first hand (what the slave said during 1834 or the Emancipation Act)
  Secondary--second hand (what historian Eric Williams said)

*Feel free to use pictures, diagrams, PowerPoints etc
  The research must be typed.

  2200 words ( quotes excluded)

Arnelle Michael's I.A.

Barbarism or Civilisation: Aztec Culture

*Get a good defintion for the concepts barbarism and civilisation. Quote.
*Identify various indicators of a barbaric and civilised societies.
*Represent the similarities and differences in a graphic organiser like the one below.
  The organiser must be different from Jaron's.
*Discuss briefly these indicators in your introduction.
  Based on your knowledge:
  Determine what factors highlight the Aztecs' barbarity or lack thereof.
*Comprise your thesis statement.
  Feel free to end  intro with a quote that reinforces the thesis statement.
Awaiting draft by October 15.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Jaron Scotland's I.A


Recommendations (Part 1): Preparing the Intro

1) Start with the Incas because you have a lot of info on the Aztecs.

2) Do some background Internet research on the Incas (origin, culture etc).  
     For example:              or  

3) Record similarities and differences using a graphic organiser like a  Venn Diagram.

4) Then start to look for the similarities followed by the differences in the conquests. (Thesis Statement)

5) Go to the library and borrow any text on the Incas.

6) Download documentaries on Internet and record important data.

    See me if challenged.

Antcipating the Introduction by October 15.

Welcome Kayla

Let's Welcome Kayla Harris officially to the blog.
Kayla we are looking forward to your unbiased opinion.


And for those of you who are wondering about this picture.
I remembered and checked the newspaper archive.
(Yes I am doing my background work!)
Kayla (on the right) became the second Antiguan to win the prestigious Caribbean Optimist Oratorical Contest.

That sole guy in the middle was adjudged third place in the male category.
The other young lady on the left did not place but also did well.

Welcome Kayla! Feel free to share your thoughts and any question that may be bothering you historically.

Ms. Samuel

Monday, 1 October 2012

IA: Aztecs

Who wants to do his/her Internal Assessment on the Aztec?
Topics you can consider:

An Examination of the Aztecs' Culture

A Comparative Analysis of the Aztecs and Tainos
 From Humility to Superiority: The Rise of the Aztecs

The Conquest of  the Aztecs and Incas
 A Woman's Place in Aztec Society

Misconception: Aztec Religion and the Second Sex
Barbarism or Civilisation: Aztec Culture

Can you think of any other topic for this I.A.?
Indicate on the blog if you want to begin your I. A. on one of these topics.