Peasantry: Socio-Economic Contributions of "Ex-slaves"
After Emancipation
1) Get texts:
- Caribbean Freedom (Editors: Beckles and Shepherd)
- British Slave Emancipation (William A. Green)
- The Problem of Freedom (Thomas Holt)
- Free Jamaica (Douglas Hall)
- The Making of the West Indies (F.R. Augier et al)
- A Short History of the West Indies (J.H. Parry et al)
- Rawle Farley's article etc
- Create PowerPoint.
2) Define peasantry. Did it exist before emanciaption?
3) Distinguish between push and pull factors that led to peasantry development.
4) Describe how peasantry uplifted the social and economic infrastructure of the W.I.
5) Explain how peasantry alleviated the woes associated with monocultuture.
5) Discuss the problem of land in low and high density colonies.
6) Compose introduction.
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